Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Australia Day: Bogans Out In Full Force!

"Fucking get some VB into ya C#@T"

"Cecil, stop touching ya sister its my turn"

"Fit in or FUCK off"

Tomorrow is Australia day and the above statements are a few that you may hear late into the night after a few of Frankston's undesirables come out to play. Australia, the lucky country, is a beautiful place to live but no matter how many years pass the bogan/racist attitude always rears its ugly head up around this time of the year. I have been seeing a lot of the third statement above being displayed on my Facebook wall today which has really made me cringe.

This attitude towards people of different ethnicities and cultural backgrounds is such a medieval way of thinking and is absolutely disgusting. This attitude is not to be tolerated, therefore any BOGAN who writes something of the sort on their Facebook wall will automatically be deleted! I encourage you to do the same thing.


The Australia I live in is tolerant, encourages diversity and gives people the opportunity to create their lives the way they want.

The Perfect Australia I wish to live in would not include goon bags/long neck emu export, Ford/Holden utes owned by bogans with toothless girlfriends, and people who say C#@T and F#@K for every second word of a sentence.

If anyone should get on the next boat out of here its YOU!

Comment and share this link so we can stop bogans before they open their mouths!


  1. Couldn't agree more. Love your blog and hope it gets the attention it deserves its got some funny shit. Will share with my friends.


    1. Thanks Cass,

      Lets rid this world of bogan like behaviour for the better!

      Lets Fuckbook!
