Facebook Envy Will Drive You Insane
What is Facebook envy?
The feeling you get when you come across an old friend on Facebook and realise that their life turned out way better, and is more interesting than yours.
While you were dabbing your genital warts and ass rash with crushed up amoxicillin on cotton wool, that other douchebag you couldn't stand at school was getting married to a supermodel who can pronounce the alphabet through her vagina. If that wasn't enough to be envious of, they are building their fifth house in Toorak and are amongst the top 3 on Australia's rich list in the BRW.
Facebook provides everyone with the chance to show off the good things that are happening in their life, in a bid to convince everyone that their life shits bricks on yours. Some people get caught up in this vicious cycle which can cause a lot of insecurity. This leads one to question why their life is as exciting as watching a down syndrome seagull eating a chip.
Wake up! There is nothing to be depressed about, nor any reason to envy anyone on Facebook as they only post what they want you to see. What you don't see from these people are their financial problems, the cuts on their arms, them being home alone on the weekend, and what the doctor may or may not of said about that suspicious rash, blister or discharge.
We all want to feel important, so we make sure we put our best foot forward on Facebook. We are all the same, we eat, sleep, shit, piss and fart. We create the world we want around us by gravitating towards the things that bring us the most pleasure. Quit sitting at home stalking peoples Facebook profiles and go do something with your life!
Admit you have a problem, seek help, and the next time that douchebag updates his status about his wife joining IL DIVO with her soprano trained flaps, don't be bitter. Click the LIKE button and smile.
Join us on Facebook by clicking the link below, so you can envy how amazing everyone is on Fuckbook. We wipe our ass with $100 notes, and sleep in Egyptian cotton sheets. Get around it!
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