Saturday, 4 February 2012

How Worrying About What People Think of You Prevents You From Living The Life You Deserve

So this blog is very off the Facebook rant topics below however it was requested. Please do not read if you're after a laugh, this isn't a remotely funny blog. I suggest you re-read "I couldn't call you to sort out our domestic, so I told everyone on Facebook through 30 status updates"

In life we are constantly bombarded with opinions, judgements and perceptions which can cloud the way we make decisions and alter the way we live our lives. Social media has also fed this problem through magnifying anxiety in peoples lives as others achievements and thoughts are displayed; creating the fear of missing out on something. Have you ever been in a situation where you had a goal to achieve but have let what others think of you hold you back, or take a different road? We all have at one point in our lives. The fact is no matter how big or small the task ahead is, we have all fell short at some stage due to being afraid of what others may think of us.

It's normal to care about what others think about you, it's all a part of learning and creating a life that you want to live. However, when you spend more time and energy focusing on what others think about you as opposed to focusing on the goals you have set for yourself, then there is a problem.

In my short life, I have experienced a lot for such an age which has dramatically altered the way I live my life, but for the better. I have always been very determined, focused and placed great importance on factors that enhance my life as opposed to those of which create mediocrity. In saying this, it doesn't mean that I haven't worried about what others think about me but I have made decisions in life that put me in the best position for me. 

We all make choices that directly impact on the eventual outcomes in our lives, and through these choices we forgo an opportunity to learn. Life isn't easy, it's not about making easy decisions, and it's through these decisions our character is questioned.

Have you ever thought about your life, where you are at, what you are aiming for, and what your purpose is? Are you happy? If not, do you know why? Many of us never stop to reflect on why our lives are the way they are, and more importantly do not create the changes necessary to improve the quality of our living situation. It's much more comfortable in life to take the easy road rather than making decisions that although are tough, have the potential to create true happiness in your life.

Only you can make things happen in your life. The more time you spend focusing on what others think of you, the less time you have to succeed in your own life. The best thing about life is you can always start fresh, and you can always create what you want in your life. Below are some vital tips on how to stop letting what others think impact the way you live your life:

  • Its important in life to know what is most important to you. By knowing what is important to you, you spend more time and energy focusing on that. Stop surrounding yourself with people, places and situations that make you question yourself because the reality is these people, places and situations have uncertainty in common.

  • Surround yourself with people who inspire you, who have characteristics that you hold or aim to possess. This will add value to your life and keep you focused on what’s important to you. 

  • Don't display your problems all over Facebook. When you give people too much power they use it against you. This in turn fuels the insecurity you hold and gives others the opportunity to slow you down from achieving your goals.

  • It's not always about you. It is so easy to breed insecurity by worrying about insignificant opinions and perceptions others "may" hold. Stop being paranoid, not everything is about you! Focus on what you have by highlighting your strengths and accepting/addressing your weaknesses through self-development.

  • Make decisions in your life that are right and you cannot go wrong. Sometimes the right decision isn't always the most popular ones amongst others but be strong and confident in that you are making those decisions to improve the way you live your life. It is also important to be mindful of the decisions you make and that they don't negatively impact on those you care for, and if they do your decisions could be selfish and not necessarily the right one.

  • Understand we all are entitled to an opinion; therefore it is just that, an opinion. It cannot physically hurt you so don't worry so much. When people freely air their opinions it says more about them then it does about you.

  • You cannot control what people say, do, think and feel so control what you can in your life and leave the worrying to others. What people think or say about you is not your business, and if your not surrounding yourself with them then you have nothing to be concerned about. Stop worrying about what others are doing, it's not your life to worry about.

  • Don't let what people say stop you from forming your own opinion about something or someone. People have ulterior motives, and there are always two sides to a story. Some of my closest mates have been people who other friends have not regarded highly in a positive light which ended up being far from the truth. If someone is not willing to give you a chance, don't waste your time worrying. Quit wasting your energy trying to convince them that you’re a good person.

To finish off, life is a tough road and we can make it easy or complicated. Understand when your focus is wasted on things that take away positive energy from your life and leave it behind. Life isn't like high school, some people are stuck/lost because they haven't accepted many of life's truths. Some are still focusing on things that don't really build character and present opportunities, but that's their life and lesson to learn. When you stop caring about what others 'may' think, you will experience life with a completely different mindset. It is in this time you will see success in your life, and be at peace with yourself.

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